Sunday, September 30, 2007

Trouble in paradise

Yesterday I had my first study abroad hiccup. It's both worse and better than it sounds. While taking pictures in an absolutely gorgeous church, some mendicant banged into me and caused me to drop my camera on the floor.

The end result was that my Canon Powershot's lens came off. It's a relatively simple problem (no parts were broken; it just needs screwing back into place) but one that I'm sure I can screw up in some relatively simple way.

I'm going to keep my eyes peeled for an Italian repair shop, but I don't want to pay a ridiculous amount of money for this procedure. Right now it looks like my best bet is to wait until I return to the states.

In other news, the Euro is getting stronger and stronger against the dollar. (It's currently at its highest point ever.) What does this mean for me? Everything is prohibitively expensive, and it's becoming even more so.

On top of this, I have a presentation on the Pantheon and 150 more pages of reading to get through today.

So not in the best of moods right now. Surviving this experience will be more difficult than I originally thought.


Alyssa said...

When you said it was your first study abroad hiccup, I took you literally.

shoelaceofdoom said...

Alyssa, I did too.

Also, think about how upon returning to the US, you'll be able to buy EVERYTHING, with your superior, colonial influence.

Courage, Dear Heart.

Anonymous said...

I, too, was like, well, there's that old hiccup remedy . . . like swallowing a spoonful of sugar, which may be a good metaphor, actually. GELATO IS THE ANSWER.

It's only a few more months, for better or worse. And you've been really brill at budgeting so far, I hear tell. This, too, shall pass.


Stacy said...

The glass lens or the entire body of the lens? You could just try taping it on. It may make your pictures blurry, but at least there'd be pictures.
Buy a disposable camera anyway. They even make disposable digitals nowadays.

Also, I bought HSM soundtrack on sale at Traget. I was slightly disappointed, though, because it only has about 30 minutes of actual music. However, it is a 2-disc special edition where disc 2 is karaoke.