Monday, October 1, 2007

Got to admit, it's getting better

Today, I spent three hours trying to help my professor's wife (who is an impressive academic herself) download the season premiere of Grey's Anatomy. This proved more difficult than it sounds. For one thing, DSL is extremely rare in Rome -- even more rare is a place that will let you plug your computer in, as opposed to using their computers.

Mrs. Redfield wanted to use her daughter's iTunes account, which required all kinds of monkeying around. Her battery was in not good shape and only held thirty minutes of charge.

It took us two hours to download the thing because the hotel we connived our way into letting us connect only had 56k.

So picture me and Mrs. Redfield stuck in a tiny closet, her holding her computer just so (the fragile modem was constantly in danger of falling out) while I held her charger against the wall socket because it also kept falling out. For two hours. When it finally finished downloading, IT DIDN'T EVEN WORK.

Regardless, it was actually not as bad as it sounds, because Mrs. Redfield is an amazing conversationalist. She's taught Rhodes and Fulbright scholars, and she's been with the University for longer than I've been alive.

She then bought me lunch at Rosso Pomodoro, this really upscale place. (She's been raving to our Italian lector about me, apparently.)

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