Thursday, November 1, 2007

An A-Paul-ogy

I am very sorry. This is obscene. The events of the past week-plus have mostly gone unchronicled due to internet not moving fast enough to keep up with my life. And my picture-uploading has been abominable. This cannot be countenanced. I will give you many pictures in order to make up for this transgression.

There is an Italian restaurant nearby (wow, talk about tautologies) that let me cut off a piece of the prosciutto for dinner. I was really excited about, then I asked him (in Italiano) how I did. He just smiled and shook his head. Oh well.
In the cloister in the Basilica of St. John Lateran, there is a pillar that supposedly is Jesus' exact height. I do not measure up to Jesus.
Mamma mia! This may be my best Halloween costume EVER.
On the beautiful isle of Ischia, just before the trek down to the hot springs.
Chris and I lounge in a naturally-heated pool.


Anonymous said...

Sweet costume! I was elastigirl and one of the village people (though not at the same time). Yay! Pictures! You must come play smash with my house when you get back.

Anonymous said...

And by "anonymous," I mean "Alyssa."